2. The kids' Primary program was today and it was great. The teachers and music people worked really hard to make the program what it was, and it was beautiful. However, Harrison got stage fright and wouldn't say his line. (Not too surprised on that one.)
3. Mary wouldn't pose for a before-church picture, so I got one of just the boys.
4. Mary stuck gum on her eyebrows. Then she ripped the gum off. Basically, she accidently waxed her own eyebrows right down the middle. I took a picture but am forbidden by the embarrassed culprit to post it. However, she drew a picture--notice the displaced ball of eyebrow hair in her hands. Don't worry, you'll get to see the full effect with school picture day right around the corner . . . it should be a good one.
You have the FUNNIEST stories !!!!!
And the pic of your boys is ADORABLE!
fun pictures. the boys are so cute. mary cracks me up! (nothing that an eyebrow pencil couldn't cure, i'm sure).
Mary is one that just has to learn by her own experience, isn't she. Not that you would have ever thought to tell her, "Mary, please don't put gum on your eyebrows and rip it off." Tell her if she learns to do it right, someday she can make good money ripping off other people's eyebrows.
I can't believe how much the little boys have grown! I was just there in July and they seem to have grown to real boy size...as opposed to fake boy size! Anyway, I miss you all! Today was the first day back for teachers post hurricane and my principal called the time off our "hurrication"...now I'm wishing I'd gone to see you and actually have used that time wisely.
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