20 years ago I was . . . 14 years old, a freshman in high school in San Antonio, Texas. I loved marching band, Latin class, and my friends. It was a really good time in my life. I would have loved to have finished out my high school days there.
10 years ago I was . . . 24 years old, graduated from BYU, living in Houston, married to Bryce, mom to Tyce, working in the insurance dept. at Hollywood Marine (now Kirby Corporation). Bryce was in law school and Tyce went to day care. We lived in an apartment within walking distance to the park. We spent a lot of time at the park! I didn't love my job and I couldn't wait to get home to my little family.
5 years ago I was . . . 29 years old and living in Henderson, Nevada. We had lived here one year at that point. I was a stay at home mom to two children, Tyce (2nd grade) and Mary Rachel (age 3 1/2). I'd been writing for Sesame Street for 4 years. I loved volunteering in Tyce's class, having weekly lunches with my girl friends, and serving in the Young Women.
3 years ago I was . . . 31 years old, anxiously (and not at all patiently) awaiting the arrival of our 1-year-old twin boys from Houston!!!
So far this year I have . . . gone to Girls Camp, vacationed with Bryce, started exercising (again), and loved serving in Young Women.
Yesterday I was . . . taking my dad to the airport and trying not to cry, making baked beans for a church activity, watching BYU squeak out a victory against Washington, and blindfolded and yelled to at the "wife-calling contest" at the ward party.
Next year I will . . . have Cameron and Harrison in preschool and a little taste of free time.
Thanks, Tracey, for that tag. This was fun! I tag everyone I know. j/k I tag anyone who is interested . . . which is everyone I know, right?
Now about my hair . . . I told my stylist I liked her hair color. Well guess what. Now we're identical. I know the picture doesn't look dramatic, but let me say, it is DARK. I wasn't too sure how I felt about the new color until I went to church, where the young women fawned over me and Ceara told me I looked "raaarrrr." I don't know if that's an appropriate thing to say at church, but I'm flattered.
You know who else likes it? Bryce. So maybe I am a little bit "raaarrr."
Hi Rebecca! I clicked over to your blog from the Longman's! It's fun to see pix of your kids and hear how you and your famiy are doing! Hope you don't mind if I peek occasionally:-)
Take care, Karen Gubler
Hey Karen! I'm going to check out your blog too. Feel free to add me to your list if you want. I hope you're all doing well this new school year. It was fun to see you this summer at the pool!
I like your hair. When I go too dark I get called "goth girl". But on you it looks good!
It was great to see you at the pool this summer too...I only wish Riley would have been there to hang out with Tyce! I'm adding you to my blog list! It's so fun to read what you post.:-)
I think you are just plain HOT! (that is a good thing) I really do love your hair. I love reading your blog it is always entertaining.
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