I thought this was a cool picture of the sunlight on the way to the park.
Mary liked playing with me on the equipment.
All of the boys played baseball with Bryce. Cam is "pitching."
Tyce took a turn pitching to Harrison.
Unfortunately, they were a little too close to each other and Harrison hit Tyce right in the solar plexus.
Tyce had a bit of a welt. You've got to watch out for a loose cannon like Harrison!
I seem to have a hard time catching Harrison in a good picture. And the mustard on the face is pretty charming, don't you think?
One more of my Scary Mary.
And now I'm back to work.
Cute pics of the kids. I can always count on you for a new post to read. I wish all my other friends would "keep up with the Jones'" Last post...I agree. I think the Bishop should announce "no cell phones" That probably wouldn't go over well. Oh well, its church!
It's good to take a 'break' once in a while. I love your new blog look. It's nice to change every once in a while.
Ditto to your last post.
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