Sunday, September 28, 2008

A rant, but not the energizing kind

This has happened two weeks in a row, that two of my young women have skipped class, and I've noticed that several seem to be skipping Sunday School too. In fact, I saw one of my girls in the foyer all during sacrament meeting, and when I was leaving I saw three girls (from another ward) skipping their meetings, all of them hunched over the same thing: a cell phone.

Seriously, they send and receive messages during church, and will even skip class so they don't have to take a break from typing super-important messages, like "Yeah, I think he's cute."

So one of my girls, the one I saw in the foyer when I took a preschooler out for a drink, had her phone out the entire hour. And then when I saw her during SS, she looked really stormy, like upset about something. Then by Young Women she'd gone home. I'm not a genius but it appears that communication between her and the friend(s) didn't go well.

The other two girls, the ones I said skipped Young Women two weeks in a row--well, I think one of them is addicted to her phone. The other one seems to tag along. Because, hello, who skips Young Women? Well, when I saw one slip out the door and the other follow after, I basically chased after them and then they started to RUN! And then they split up! So good thing I have experience chasing down twins, right? I let the follower go and pursued the phone-holder. She turned the corner and changed to a fast walk, pretending not to know I was behind her, but it was that obviously uncomfortable walk people do when they know YOU know they're ignoring you. She made it all the way outside before I ambushed her.

I said, "Where are you going?", trying to act like I was out for a mid-class jog myself. She said, "Ummm, I just have to make this phone call," a little guiltily. And I said, "Don't you like Young Women? We sure miss you," because I've asked her about this before. Predictably she said, "I love you all, really. I just have to make this phone call and then I'll be back in a minute." So I said, "Okay, please come back because it's not the same without you," and I gave her a hug.

She didn't come back.

And while I still believe that she doesn't feel comfortable in class for some reason, I also think she--like so many others--is addicted to the steady stream of information that texting provides. So it's no wonder it feels uncomfortable to shut off communication with the outside world for 3 hours.

This is my third round in Young Women. It was hard enough to keep the girls' attention 10 years ago, with activities, friend drama, and passing notes. But now it is nearly impossible to compete with the lure of cell phones and texting. Sorry to be dramatic, but kids are falling prey to technological seduction. I think that if, IF, young people have phones there HAVE TO BE limits and boundaries set by the parents.

I think there's no reason to bring a phone to church.

I think that a cell phone is a privilege, not a right.

I think that young people (or old people) preoccupied with text messaging miss out on social cues, manners (like making eye contact), and friendships.

I think that when someone welcomes a constant din of information, they do it at the expense of hearing the whisperings of the Holy Spirit.

So my down mood is for two reasons: one, because it's getting harder for young people to keep from falling through the ever-widening cracks; and two, I need to do something about my class skippers. I really do love those girls and I want to handle this the best way--one that will bring them closer, and not farther away, from the Light.


KG said...

I totally agree with your feelings on cell phones!!! They ARE a privledge that should have limits. We've had this "battle" in our own house. Having the phone at church is totally it is during homework, FHE, dinner, EFY, school, and any other time that it is rude or inappropriate to use it. The one good thing about the cell phone and our teenager is that it's been great leverage to motivate her to turn in ALL assignments at school and keep her grades up! Good luck with your YW! This is one more distraction to compete with.

Vigoren Family said...

I'm sorry! Maybe you should suggest to your bishopric what they did in our ward. NO CELL PHONES whatsoever in the building. Only parents. Even parents are asked to bring them in with caution. None of our teenagers seem to be traumatized by it and they're a happy bunch! Give the suggestion a shot and maybe the parents will be grateful you care.

Tracey said...

Hi Rebecca, We have the same problem with our YW. Sis Buchanan is pretty good about catching them, but I don't quite understand what is so important that they have to bring them and WHY the PARENTS LET them bring their phones to church. I'm right there with you on this one. I think it is absolutley RUDE!!!

C.A.L.L.L.L. said...

Okay, my blood is boiling because I completely agree with you. I have called parents before about girls who were using their phone during Sacrament Meeting, while sitting right next to one of the girls' mother. The parent and the bishop need to be involved in an intervention.

brooklyn said...

agree--obsessive texting is unhealthy. but here's a story to rival yours. a guy in our aliso ward sent my brother a text picture of his wife's new boob job during sacrament meeting: "check out my wife's new rack!"

i think the spirit was rocking back and forth in the corner :-)

jessenpetty said...

AMEN SISTA!!! In fact, my sister, when she was the YW president, had a basket that she held as the young women walked in. THey had to drop all there cell phones in it and could not get them back till church was over. Parents need to be parenting not friending (sp?) I'm sure their kids have enough friends. Step up to the plate and take those phones during church, because if the parents aren't going to do it....someone has to! How irritating for you!

Aranne and Dan said...

I know it can be frustrating... Hang in there. You are doing a great job with the YW. I know you love them and just want what is best for them. Be a good example and I am sure you will be lead in what you should do next!

Mer said...

This is just what we talked about at our very first meeting!! I just got called to YW on Sunday. We met on Monday and that was one of the issues that was brought up and we are all new to YW!!! I think we decided to have a basket for the YW to put them in. Like one of your other commenters. We did have an activity on Tuesday and I was suprised that we didn't have a problem with it.

Miss said...

I think having a basket does not solve your problem, although, it is a good idea if the girls are showing up to their meetings. But since these ones are not, if they know you will be collecting them, they just won't come at all. It truly does come down to the parents. We sent home a letter to parents and, sadly, it did no good. We used to say a good time to think about getting our kids a cell phone would be when they started driving, but hello, that seems like the worst thing you can give a teenager beginning to drive. Did not we all survive without cell phones? Besides, why would we want so many people to have such easy acess to our children? I can not judge other parents motives since every family dynamic is different. Some homes have gone strickly to cell phones and no longer have landlines. I do know great parents who are responsible with their children's cell phones. Maybe the answer is in calling the parents and letting them know. I bet they have no idea. You are such a great YW pres and the parents know you love their daughters. I would never be offended if you called me, in fact, I would greatly appreciate it. Just a thought... I do sympathize with you.