Me: Bryce, I want to know 8 TV shows you like to watch.
B: Huh? Hold on, I couldn't hear you because Cameron started yelling right then.
Me: What. are. eight. TV. shows. you. like. to. watch.
B: Cameron! Stop it.
Me: You like to watch Heroes, right?
B: Oh garbage, that's on tonight. I need to set the DVR to record it. Tyce, bring me the remote under the couch, please. Mary, I asked you to pick up these clothes and now Harrison is wearing your church dress around the house.
Me: So you like Heroes, and what else?
B: Oh, you know, the usual. You know what I like.
So I'm not even going to ask him.
2. BYU football games present and past
3. Dragon's Den (BBC America)
4. 24
5. Everybody Hates Chris
6. Tyler Perry's House of Payne
8. Jon and Kate + 8 (he'll kill me but it's true!)
1. BOMBAY HOUSE in Provo, Utah! (Duh!)
2. Cheesecake Factory
3. Fausto's
4. El Pollo Loco
5. Lucille's
6. The Feast at Green Valley Ranch on seafood night
7. Red Lobster
8. Tommy Burger
1. Ate French toast for breakfast before taking Tyce and friend Spencer to school
2. Worked on Jury Instructions at work
3. Had lunch with Betsy and Donna, possibly a salad from Costco
4. Lost his wallet (!)
5. Called me and enjoyed witty banter and meaningful conversation
6. Checked Cougar Board
7. Gave a "5 minute" FHE that turned into 35 minutes because the older kids were really into it (the little ones....notsomuch)
8. Watched the first hour of Heroes, then went to bed.
1. An undefeated season
2. The next game
3. Taking Tyce to the PH session of GC
4. For September's deadlines to be met and past
5. Getting more friends on facebook (j/k)
6. Finding his wallet
7. Reading a good book
8. Going on another date
1. Football
2. Thanksgiving
3. The kids being in school
4. Falling leaves
5. Hiking
6. Driving to see his parents a lot
7. Not having his car bake to 130 degrees at the end of the work day
8. Start of the new theatre season at UNLV
1. Ocean kayak
2. A million free songs for his iPod
3. Autographed jersey from Fui Vakapuna
4. For the Cubs to win the World Series
5. Another vacation
6. Bikes for the whole family
7. Time/motivation to go on nightly walks
8. For the election to be over
So there you have it. If you'd like to participate, consider yourself tagged by me (or Bryce).
A few quick comments as if I have the time today, jury instructions you know:
1. I have never, ever in my life watched Cold Case Files. Replace it with Amazing Race.
2. Yes, I watch Jon & Kate +8 because it makes me feel better about myself to see people with a crazier life than myself, whose kids smack each other in the head, etc. It's like watching one of those scripture study shows on BYU TV after giving a bad talk at church--you realize that you may be boring, but at least you didn't preserve and display your worst moments on film.
3. How Bombay House did not make the top of the restraunt list I'll never know!
4. Election--hey who wants to listen to people call each other names while slipping their hands in your pocket to pay for rich people's horrible mistakes--anyone that believes we have a free market system is deluded. Hey Brother, can you spare a billion?
Love it! It's good to learn the little things about your brother that have changed since the last time we lived in the same household....about 23 years ago.
I swear you guys are like my comedy for the day. Whenever i need a good laugh I know i can count on you.
I might be able to help you with one of Bryces wish list. The boys are getting their hair cuts tomorrow and I can ask Jen to get the signed Jersey for you, she goes to every home game and she can have Max get it. That would be a good christmas present. Delete this comment after you read it if you want to and don't want Bryce to know.
In response to Bryce's comments:
1. Oh yeah, Amazing Race. In my defense, it's not on right now so I forgot.
2. No, I know it's cuz you think Kate is cute!!! j/k
3. Duh, how could I neglect the best of the best.
4. Be careful or people might find out what you actually think! LOL
Tracey, that would awesome to the billionth degree. Can I drop the jersey off after school today?
P.S. It won't be a Christmas surprise since he's already read the comment (!) but I can guarantee he will be excited no matter what. :)
Rebecca, Jen said no problem, she'll take it to the next game, which is not till the 11th. So whenever you get it to me I will run it in to her. I'm sure she can get whoever elses autograph he wants on too. She had some cute pictures on her blog if you go on it.
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