Here are just some of the things that Cameron and Harrison do right now. If you aren't related to me or if you don't have a high tolerance for kiddie cuteness, you are excused from reading any further.
Here we go.
Harrison likes to change out of real clothes and into pajamas as often as possible. This prompts Bryce to ask as he's coming through the door, "Didn't you dress this boy today?" I guess Harrison just loves his pjs, though at our house they aren't even the cute kind. His selection incldes hand-me-down sweatpants and t-shirts either a size too small or 6 sizes too big.
I think this picture is hilarious. He looks like Popeye.
Harrison only likes pants. When I dress him in the morning (which he's surprisingly amenable to, considering he strips an hour later), he insists on wearing pants--not shorts, pants. For the small time he did allow shorts, they had to be knit with a stripe down the side. Cameron is totally fine with whatever I present him with.
Though he always goes to sleep in his own bed, he ends up on our floor every single night.
Cameron likes the layered look. He likes to wear two or more shirts and two or more pants/shorts. Yesterday he had three shirts on. Harrison had three sweatpants on. It was well over 100 degrees outside, and I can assume it was well over 100 degrees in those outfits.
Cam wants me to tell him the story of the Three Little Pigs every night before bed.
Both boys like picking out a clean cup from the dishwasher and getting their own ice and water from the refrigerator door. Their favorite color is blue.
Cameron loves to pose. I have a ton of pictures just like this.
Cameron asks a million questions a day. Sometimes I totally follow him, and other times, not so much. Here's an example.
Cam: Can we go to the store today?
Mom: No, not today.
C: Because I'm not big enough to go to the store?
M: No . . .
C: Because we don't need anything at the store?
M: That's right.
C: And there's not enough candles?
M: (Huh??) What do you mean?
C: 'Cuz it's not nighttime yet?
M: Right, it's not nighttime yet . . .
C: Why?
M: Because the sun is still out!
C: The sun is still out because I better brush my teeth? So go do it right now?
M: Sure, you can go brush your teeth right now.
C: Why do we brush our teeth? So no bugs can get in our mouths?
M: To keep your teeth clean.
C: And no bugs will crawl in?
M: Right, no bugs. You can be all clean and healthy.
C: Because I'm filthy right now?
M: No, just kind of dirty from a normal day. We'll have a bath later.
C: And then we can go to the store?
M: No . . .
C: Because I'm too little?
M: No . . . (Here I run away, screaming)
But I just love our little guys. Even though I sometimes fantasize about a clean(er) house and the day I won't have fingerprints all over my walls, or about doing errands alone, I want to live in the moment. I am happy with my life and I love all of my children. I hope I can truly appreciate who they are right now and continue to find happiness in everyday life.
They like to ride their scooters. Harrison is particularly proficient. Notice Cam has on a fine example of Jones family pajama-wear.
P.S. Tyce has been in Utah this week with Grandpa and Grandma. Mary has her last week of school before she goes on a 4-week track break.
totally laughing. i can hear his little voice perfectly!~
They are definitely unique personalities! Both a hoot in their own way . . . does Harrison follow Cameron's dialogues? Or does he even try?
Just think how much they liven up your life. Gotta love 'em.
You do a great job, Mom!
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