Then they moved the hose to the playground, where they made a water slide and spun on the tire swing. Finally Mary orchestrated a picnic, which included a platter of sandwiches that the girls made, fruit, and peanut butter cookies left over from Family Home Evening. Even though getting them to clean up afterwards was MY chore, they had a great time all day.
My friend Stephanie (one of the Camp cooks) mentioned that her daughter was tutoring at the elementary school this summer. I thought that sounded like a great use of a middle-schooler's summer time, so I talked to Tyce about it. He was excited about the prospect. I called the reading specialist at the school and Tyce went on Tuesday. I figured if I could commit him to do a few hours once a week, that would be great. Well, after his first day, he loved it so much that he wants to volunteer five days a week, all day long!
We compromised at 3 days a week, so he wouldn't get burned out and he'd still have time to do "summer" things like swim and hang out at the library and play (and help around the house / watch kids, though I didn't mention that part).
I took the kids to the doctor yesterday for a well-check. Tyce is 55 3/4 inches tall and 61 pounds. Mary is 54 inches tall and 62 pounds. Luckily I hired a babysitter for the twins, because I could hardly handle the two kids I had.
This was how it went:
M: Dr. Levin! Come in here! We neeeeed you!
Dr.: Umm, okay. I'll be there in a minute.
M: Woo hooo! Dr. Levin will be my Prince Charming.
Tyce: No, that baby walking down the hall is your Price Charming.
M: Oh, my handsome baby prince! Crawl to me, my love!
T: You're weird.
(Doctor comes into office)
M: Mom, I want to sit on your lap.
Dr.: Mary, how are your ears?
M: Terrible!
Mom: No, she's fine. The amoxicillin is working great.
Dr.: How's her sleeping?
M: Terrible!
Mom: It's fine.
Dr. How about her appetite?
M: Horrible!
Mom: Mary! Shhh. Her appetite is fine.
Tyce: She suffers from brain damage.
M: Mom!!!! Tell Tyce to sto-o-o-p!
Mom: Tyce, cut it out. And scoot a little farther away. Your foot is touching her.
Tyce: Okay, I did it. (moved two millimeters)
Dr: Well, Mary, you look fine.
M: Can I get a shot? Please? I love shots! I just want a shot!
Dr. Nope, sorry. But it looks like Tyce gets one. Actually, two.
T: NOOOOOooooooo!
M: Haha Tyce, you get a shot!
T: You little . . . (Pretends to fake punch her)
Dr: (Looking at watch) Ummm, can we hurry this along? You people are giving me a headache.
Just kidding. Actually, that was me.
Love it! So good to hear from the big kids.
Ben is tutoring at my school as well, but I'm not sure he loves it as much. Mostly he wonders why he can't just stay home and play video games.
What a fun yard you have. The kids are very fortunate to have it. Someday they'll realize that.
I'll bet the doctor just loves to see you coming. Tyce vs. Mary - nice to know some things never change!
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