Sunday, May 11, 2008

More pictures of Tyce

I was going to make apologies for my camera, because remember when I blamed my bad pictures on low lighting? Well, that was partly true. but I knew the big kids had recently played with my settings and I was desperate to correct whatever they had done . . . if I could figure it out. I played with it for quite a while until I looked at the lens. Ohhhh. Fingerprints. A little cleaning off, and **voila!** Good as new.

Tyce felt worse today, and frankly looked worse. He was sore and tired but he is totally going to be okay. Guess what. Bryce asked the doctor to write a note for P.E. and he wouldn't do it!!! Would you make this poor child run 5 laps to get full points for the day?

His back, which really bothers him.

Some of his injuries captured in one glorious shot.


Anonymous said...

it is Tyce i feel horrible i'm tired and thirsty all the time so ya that's it

Darrell Crowther said...

Poor guy!!! Tyce, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident.

Mopsie said...

It makes me cringe when I think of how much discomfort you must be in. Hard to sleep, hard to eat... I'm so sorry. Hope it gets a little better each day. We love you!