I forgot all about documenting the incident for the Naughty File. But trust me, it was not pretty.
Yesterday afternoon Bryce and I had a meeting to attend and asked the big kids to be in charge for about an hour. When we came back the twins had gotten into the garage refrigerator and opened four cartons of cottage cheese. They apparently had an elaborate make-believe going on because they'd schlepped most of it into the trunk of the trike. The worst of it was the large amount just dumped (left?) on the garage floor. In addition, they ripped open a package of cream cheese, which must have made it largely to their mouths because there was no real mess on that one. Can you see that I'm trying to look on the bright side? "Thanks for eating my cream cheese, boys, because if you hadn't then I would have. Oh, and good job being so tidy about it."
When we freaked out and asked the big kids what had gone on, they were full of, "Uh, this all happened when I was in the bathroom" and "I told Mary to be in charge of Harrison," and "Well, I told them to get out of the garage but they wouldn't listen."
Ugh, is it too much to ask the almost 12-year-old to monitor the two younger brothers for an hour?
According to my dad, yes. You gotta know that Grandpa Jim always has his boy's back.
Well, on a normal day I think things would have been better. Apparently C. and H. ate a big bowl of crazy for breakfast because they were difficult all day.
Spraying cottage cheese off of a garage floor is much harder to do than it sounds. If you ever find yourself needing advice on this subject, I have two things to say: 1) Ask Bryce what he did, and 2) take a picture.
Yup, I'm guilty as charged.
I just laughed. Sorry, no sympathy. Kids are too funny! Be grateful it wasn't half-chewed raisins in your wool rug...
what a bummer! and although i feel your pain and know how desperately we need babysitting, i'm going to have to agree with your dad. (of course i'm biased with years of maddening attempts to get 12 year olds to pay attention in a different venue).
I do think I'm guilty of thinking that Tyce "should" do things because of his age/maturity in other areas. At times he is the most awesome, responsible big brother . . . for a few minutes at a time. LOL Well, no lasting harm done, and the alternative (taking everyone with us) would have been hard too.
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