Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sunday Wrap Up

My, my goodness it's been a big day. First of all, Bryce was released today. He bore a beautiful testimony, and I know that he served the ward members with all his heart. It's hard to believe that we're attending the new ward next week. I will really miss my weekly associations with the Newport ward. But . . . expanding the circle and all that. I must keep that in mind.

Guess who our new bishop is . . . Jim Shapiro! I know what you're thinking: Wait, isn't he your age? Doesn't he have 5 little kids? Yes. And I think (know) he will do an outstanding job. I only wish we could remain in the ward to support him and his family in that new capacity. Bryce is hoping that this calling doesn't put a damper on their BYU football excursion plans this fall.

Anyway, that was the big news at church today.

My second child, whom I love with ALL MY HEART and is a WONDERFUL GIRL has been driving me mad today. The drama! The tears! The refusal to do her chores from yesterday! I finally had to laugh when the conversation had devolved into this:

Mary: Mom, you just don't understand! Even when I'm happy I'm still a little bit sad and I want to get that happiness back!

Bryce: You're too sad to pick the trash up off your floor?

Mary: NO! I mean, I think if I just had a dog or a pet to play with, I'd be all the way happy!

Me: So if you had a dog . . you'd pick the trash up off your floor?

Mary: Yes, and I'd love it and play with it all day and I just think it would be so good for me. There are stray dogs out there that no one takes care of! How do you think they feel?

Bryce: Okay, here's the bottom line. Go into your bedroom and get those little pieces of paper and stick them in your trash can.

Mary: Listen. Okay. CAN I BE ANY MORE CLEAR ABOUT THIS? There are stray dogs out there that need homes! How do you think they feel out there all alone? What if you were out there and people just passed you by when you were hungry and cold? (sob sob sob)

I think we were having two different conversations, you know?

I tell ya, the laughing was for a moment but the frustration lingered for quite a while. FINALLY she has done the 15 minute job in her room, which she'd dragged out for two days.

I shaved the twins hair yesterday and the are nearly bald. I kind of like that look but Bryce . . . not so much. Oh, get this. The twins are potty training themselves. They completely initiated it and Cam especially is obsessed with the toilet and "going" on it. Do I dare believe they could be out of diapers in the forseeable future?

We have a lead on the old house . . . our fingers are crossed so hard . . . I will keep you posted. I don't want to get my hopes up but boy, it would be ideal to have that taken care of . . .

So much suspense, eh?


Darrell Crowther said...


It will be so weird to not have you in our ward. Do you know that your invitation to the ward playgroup - and your subsequent tolerance of my nervous talking at said playgroup - made me feel very welcome? I remember it so clearly. Thank you so much.

Re. the new bishop - it was an obvious choice, don't you think? :-) What I can't understand is why I was so fever-pitch excited about the whole thing?

Rebecca and Co. said...

Angie, it was so easy to get to know you and be your friend. I'm glad coming to playgroup made you feel welcome (nervous talking and all--LOL). I never noticed that.

I didn't suspect Jim as the new bishop, though I really didn't suspect anyone at all (I like to be surprised). There was a bit of suspense building there when Pres. Weed got up to speak, eh? I had to keep shushing my children so I didn't miss the big reveal.

brooklyn said...

mary is so rad and makes me laugh so hard!

love it!