Monday, August 6, 2007

A Mary-ism

Mary: Did Mopsie--that's your mom--ever have another boyfriend before she married Jim? Who was her first boyfriend?

Me: Yes. There was one named Danny. I think her first boyfriend was named Len or Lew or something like that.

Mary: How about Grandpa? Did he ever have another girlfriend?

Me: Yes, I think there was one named Cheryl. I can't really remember.

Mary: What do you do if you love someone but they don't love you back?

Me: Then you go to your room and cry your eyes out, and then try to move on.

Mary: I'm going to have a black jack family. All I need to do is find a black husband and then I'll have some black babies. Or I could always adopt them. I just want to marry the first boyfriend I have because I don't want to have my heart broken. How old do you have to be to get married?

Me: You should definitely be over 20. I was 21 when I got married, but it depends on when you're ready.

Mary: That's still pretty young.

Me: Well, maybe you'll get married at 31.

Mary: Ha! That's pretty old. I wouldn't have much time left with my husband then, would I?


brooklyn said...

once again, mary made my night. i hope you never stop posting her brilliance.

Anonymous said...

Well then Miss Mary......It looks like I had better speed things up!

Maybe I should talk to Mary about the fact that women outlive men by 5-7 years on average. long as she plans on marrying a younger guy, she should be okay waiting until 31. :)

Vigoren Family said...

I'm so glad the fun comments aren't going to come to an end anytime soon. I was worried that Isaac would grow out of it soon. Obviously, kids are the coolest for a long time!

Rebecca and Co. said...

Betsy, I think you and Mary are due for a talk. ;)

Brookie and Kellie, kids are great, eh? I especially like the way her mind works-- when you can see the wheels turning it's like seeing things through her eyes. I'm lucky that she says pretty much everything she's thinking, although sometimes she says, "It's a good thing I have some self-control, because I almost called Tyce stupid and told him to shut up!" (Yeah, good thing . . .)

Unknown said...

Mary is awesome! What funny questions!
I loved Betsy's answer!
You Rock Bets!

brooklyn said...

wait a minute...upon second read, i'm slightly more offended. i happen to be exactly 31, and i'm not anywhere close to dead! i want to be in on that talk with betsy, too.

mary cracks me up.