Sunday, September 4, 2011

Slightly Racist, But Sweet

Today at church one of the elderly ladies, known for her colorful personality, stopped Bryce in the hallway.

"I want you to know that I really admire you," she said. "You adopted all those children . . . from another race," she whispered. "I could never have done that." She shook her head.

"That oldest one, I told him he's an example to the others. He's probably got more brains than Obama." Then she patted Bryce's arm and was on her way to class.


Emmy said...

Holy cow! Well at least she realizes your kids are smart :)

sglick said...

That is freaking hilarious!!! I love old ladies :D

RoguePancake said...

was it bertha? did she get up there again this week to go on about how good-looking she thinks the bishopric is? i LOVE when she gets up there, always makes me laugh.

Rebecca and Co. said...

Jen, you know it!