Saturday, August 27, 2011

Last Tribute to Summer Before School Starts

For all of my complaining that August would be longest month flew by. School starts Monday and I'm not sure the kids are really ready. What do the boys need for 1st grade? Where's the list we always get with their class assignments? I just guessed and bought a bunch of everything--crayons and glue sticks. Pencils and folders. Kleenex and Handi-Wipes. I did a more sophisticated gathering for the big kids...I'm assuming they have enough stuff to get them through the first day. Wal-Mart, get ready: You will be seeing the Jones family on Monday afternoon, scrambling for whatever it is that teachers want their students to have (but couldn't tell them about before the first day).

Soon summer will be but a distant memory. Here are a few more pictures from the past two months.

Grandma Judy's whiteboard, meticulously colored by Kess and Mary for Bryce's 40th birthday! It's a picture of a scene from Mario Kart--Bryce's favorite car (super blooper), favorite character (Waluigi), and favorite track (Delfino Square). They spent a long time creating this and Bryce loved it.

Close-up. There are other favorite courses named: Dry Dry Ruins, Mushroom Gorge, Peach Gardens, and Coconut Mall. Three lovely ladies are swooning over Waluigi!

If you remember, we went to the Bombay House in Provo before seeing Tyce's YASE performance. What better place is there to celebrate your birthday? Thank you to Bryce's parents for treating us to a delicious meal!

Mary had her 6th grade orientation at Brown. I struck up a conversation with the guidance counselor and Mary groaned that I was embarrassing her by being too bubbly.

Our 16th anniversary dinner, at the Italian restaurant Luna Rossa in Lake Las Vegas. It was late and we were melting from the heat.

I spent an afternoon taking pictures of our family's cool moves on the diving boards. Harrison did a twisty jump.

Cameron's front flip.

Tyce and his "Geronimo!" jump.

Mary's pike jump.




Tyce flipping on the low dive while Mary rainbow dives off the high dive!

Bryce did tons of flips and dives too, and the kids were delighted to have him swim with them!

My gorgeous anniversary flowers.

Our amazing dog Katie and her volleyball. (She doesn't play, she just chews.)

Montana, Harrison, Levi, and Cameron built this cool block tower. These are the cute neighbor kids we take to church.

Also, Tyce and Bryce and the Young Men just got back today from an awesomely awesome leadership retreat in Brian Head (Utah). They stayed in Brother Anderson's family cabin (which was bigger and nicer than our house). A highlight of the trip was the 12-mile bike ride from Brian Head peak.

The view from the peak.

Where they started.

It was a super rough ride in many places and all the boys and leaders biffed it at least once--but no one was seriously injured.

So how's that for a hodge podge of pictures? Kind of makes you wish I had more, doesn't it?

Farewell, summer . . . until we meet again next year!

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