Thursday, May 26, 2011

You Take the Good, You Take the Bad, You Take Them Both and There You Have a Post for Today

If you can read between the lines, we now have two women in the house. I bought Miss Mary flowers to celebrate her rite of passage, which I happened to think was quite symbolic.

She's taking the whole thing very well.

In other areas, things are very stressful at the moment. You know that sick, churning feeling you get when things are bad? Ugh, I feel that all the time. I wish I could stop caring. Do the work that needs to be done but take out the emotional aspect. I would be a much better parent if I were training dolphins instead of people. Here--have a fish, my child. Now swim away and be good.

Ah. Life is life and I could whine all day--but that's not who I want to be. I have to remind myself that through even hard times there are always good things. I need to work on not letting the negative lens obscure my view of the positive.

So on that note, I only have two more weeks of teaching seminary. I am ready to get on top of things for the next school year--Old Testament. I will memorize those 25 scripture masteries this summer because I am BEAST at memorizing stuff. For real. I am going to take down Brother Mecham at next year's activity and my class is going to be like, Whoa, Sister Jones--you rock. That's way better than last year when we thought you didn't know anything. Mark my words, friends. Mark. My. Words.

Yesterday Harrison and Cameron ran into the house, shouting. Cameron yelled, "Harrison peed on the side of the house!" and Harrison yelled, "No, Cameron peed!" I used my Mom powers to deduce that they had both done it, and they conceded. Then Cameron said, "Well, at least I peed in a bucket like a civilized person." I asked what he did with the contents and he said he poured it into the dump truck. Oh yes . . . civilized indeed. Boys!

Katie got her stitches removed yesterday and the vet said she's doing great. She wore the cone for several days but I was very glad to take it off of her. Poor girl couldn't even go down the stairs or jump out of the car very well. But I did take her on a walk at the park, where she tore after a jackrabbit at breakneck speed--she looked like a streak of black with a white neck halo. She almost caught that bunny! But it slipped out under the fence. I was falsely secure in Katie's inability to scrunch under with her cone, but the next thing I knew she was outside the gates and trotting back with a different, run-over roadkill rabbit in her mouth. Crazy dog!

We watched a very interesting DVD on Black Mormons for Family Home Evening. Out of the blue Tyce mentioned that he was thinking of preparing to receive his patriarchal blessing, after the example of his friend Dessa.

Mary had to write a paper about Ulysses S. Grant. She read her rough draft to me while I typed the final. Her essay included anecdotes such as Grant's siblings' reactions to his leaving for college. The oldest sister feigned indifference but told him later she was proud of him. Mary's final sentences were something like, "The mourners hailed Grant as a beloved President. As his sister passed his tomb, she whispered, 'Goodbye, Lys . . . you will always be my little brother.'" I looked up and asked, "She really said that? Wow." Then Mary said, "No, but I thought it sounded good. I mean, it's not like anyone's going to know whether she said it or not, right? They're all dead." Oh my word. If it wasn't morally wrong to rewrite history I'd have typed it because, I must admit, it did sound good.

I love my husband with all my heart. He is my best friend and I couldn't make it through life--or through the day--without him. I thank the Lord I made an excellent choice when I married him, back when I was naive and inexperienced in life. When the chips are down Bryce picks me up, makes me laugh and gives me hope. Some days that's definitely what I need.

Now I'm off to do the kindergarten carpool. Besides memorizing stuff, herding six little kids into a minivan is pretty much my specialty.


Maia Hilyard said...

Glad to hear that Katie is feeling like her old self again.
That is so sweet you bought her flowers. When that day came all I remeber thinking to myself is "I sure hope this goes away fast"
Your twins are too cute.

Mopsie said...

I'm glad Katie is better, too. That cone is really annoying for the poor pup. I can't believe she could get under the fence with it! What a cutie.
My co-worker Gwen's father has Alzheimer's, and he has started to go outside to pee, which is not quite as funny. I told her about the twins, and it made her laugh.
Oh Mary, I'm sorry! I'd hoped you would escape for a few more years. But welcome to the club, girlfriend.
You know, Tyce is awesome. Beneath that teenager facade is a wonderful young man.
I know how good you are at memorizing. (And at least there aren't 100 scripture mastery scriptures, like there used to be!) I know you'll be awesome at OT. Wish I was in your class.
Lastly, kudos to Bryce for helping keep it all together. I know he's your rock, and you're blessed to have him. He is definitely a positive!
We love you all so much. "Keep the faith, baby!"

Online Cop said...
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RoguePancake said...

(sorry, i had to delete this comment in my hubby's name and sign in under my own acct...)

ha ha. it's gotta be a boy thing. at least your boys only PEED in the yard. last year when my kid was helping grampa put in a small garden, grampa told him all about special soil and MANURE. next thing we know the kid is leaving turds on the patio so he can do his part to feed the tomatoes too. why are little boys so GROSS!?

SweetmamaK said...

Ok bummer, but Mary is Quentin's age, how does that happen?????Even though she looks 16 she shouldn't have to deal with this in 5th/6th grade?????
Rebecca you are the best! I love love to read your writings, when I am feeling blah, I remember hey you havn't peeked in on the jones's, Rebecca always picks you up!
I am with you on the OT scripture mastery, I decided after seminary graduation that my wee class of three boys can AND will recieve their scripture mastery piece of paper, They may hate me, but by gum they will know that "sorcery is an abomination" irf that even is still a scripture mastery verse, I remember that we had 40 back in my day, but one of your friends said 100 so maybe I'm wrong, I am way more ancient than you!

KG said...

Thank you for this post!!!! Well, your entire blog, really. I too wish i could stop caring sometimes. Especially I stress over Riley's school grades and "I don't care" attitude. This mom stuff is intense. I'm growing gray hairs as I type this. Hang in there my friend. You are sooooo NOT alone!

Shelise said...

Hi! You probably don't remember me but we were in the Newport Ward with you during the beginning of 2007. My name is Shelise Mayer. Anyway. Every once in a while I link to your blog from someone else I know and pretty much every time I do I get a GOOD laugh. I don't feel like I laugh as much as I used to and it feels so good to laugh. You seem to take raising kids in such stride and thats definitely something I need to work on (especially considering I only have two boys and want more kids). I loved this post. The way you write just grabs my attention and I can't stop reading. Thanks for the little lift this afternoon. I needed it.