Monday, April 28, 2008

Poems by Mary Rachel Kimberly Jones, age 8


Bunnies hop, bunnies leap
Bunnies are fun and I can't sleep.

(illustration of a person in bed, a digital clock reading 1:00 a.m.)


The golden sun stretches over the valley
Cats linger in the alley
Sun filters down
People waken in the town
But I'm asleep
Lost in my dreams.

(illustration of a tree and flower with a smiling sun in the sky)


Kimpromptu said...

No Mary, you are supposed to count SHEEP - not bunnies! Too cute!

brooklyn said...


(what eight year old uses the word "filters"?!

Mopsie said...

or "lingers"? Miss Mary, you are a wonder! I love both these poems. Keep them coming. Love you.