2. The play was terrible. Not the acting, not the costuming, not set, but the story. It was a play written by Aristophanes and is was full of bawdy humor, language and props. Seriously, it was like "Porky's", ancient Greek style. That was the focus of the whole thing, with a lame plot to surround the stupid and offensive antics. We had to walk out--and I'm surprised more people didn't. I can't imagine anyone being able to watch the whole thing. I was cheesed off about that--I'd been looking forward to going to our next play at the theater for at least a month.
Bryce said, "Let us never speak of this event again." Right-o, gelato!
3. We went to Whole Foods afterwards, which was a good ending to the date. I couldn't pass up that dulce de leche this time.
4. Pigeons are building a nest on our roof by the casita. I think of the P.D. Eastman book called The Best Nest, where Mr. Bird exclaims, "I love our house, I love our nest, In all the world, Our nest is best!" So I feel bad for being annoyed, because every creature needs a home. I just don't want bird droppings on my driveway or whatever else is bad about having birds live on your roof.
5. Speaking of driveways, Bryce ran my mini-van into his own vehicle in our driveway. Thank goodness I didn't do it! So now I have a dent in the back (from this time) and a dent in the front (from another time when I got rammed taking a friend home). We're just high class like that.
6. All the kids are enjoying the backyard. I love this picture of Cam, Harrison, and Emily on the tire swing.
7. I'm getting really stressed about Girls Camp again. We have two fundraisers coming up and I'm sure that when you compare the enormous amount of effort that goes into baking 120 dozen cookies with the modest profits, it's going to send me to an early grave. (Do you know that I really dislike baking? I believe I've mentioned that before . . . and probably will again.)
8. Mary and Bryce are at a horse show today. M. really wanted to invite Harrison--isn't that sweet? So I guess I should say that the three of them are out at the horse show today. I'm sure they will have a great time.
9. I'm just here chillin' and running away from the laundry that's calling me. Tyce and Cameron are cleaning Tyce's room (C. is still young enough to think it's fun!) and later we'll see what happens. Life is good.
10. My best nephew Ben turned 12 this week! I wish we lived close like we used to so he and Tyce could achieve all those milestones together. He is a fine young man and I look forward to having him for a little while this summer.
some birds just built a nest in our garage, too! i love it! although, we were so excited and i lifted the girls up to see in it and we haven't seen the birds since. i wonder if they abandoned it once they realized their baby making was about to become school for two toddlers.
i also just dented our bumper on the acura! really bad. i took it to get an estimate--$980!!! is it worth it?!
Aww..you are so sweet! Ben really wished we could be closer too. It was nice of Tyce to spend so much time on the phone with him Saturday.
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