Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Twin's 3rd Birthday Pictures

Good news--I'm a genius! I figured out how to upload pictures from new camera to old computer!

However, since my attempt at using a hip blog template backfired a month ago, I have lost the ability to see my pictures as "pictures" when I upload them to the blog. It's just a bunch of text. So I can't (or won't) be captioning each picture. Bummer.

Good thing I took a picture of the "cake" because it had a mishap on the way to the table. Perhaps you can see the very beginning of the tip-over in one photo. The boys had a great time at Grandpa Al's and Grandpa Judy's house, with the balloons being a big highlight.


brooklyn said...

the twins look adorable in their little hats. happy birthday to them (again)!

Mopsie said...

Hard to believe they're 3 already. So cute! Love the cake. Pigs rule!