I am totally, completely, kidded out.
I have children who wake before me, don't take naps, and are down for the night when I am. I watch neighbor kids, entertain neighbor kids, feed neighbor kids. When the friends leave I break up fights and pry children away from electronic media, resulting in "Mo-ommmmmmmmmm! I'm bored!" I rescue 2-year-olds from the trash can, Windex bottles, the toilet, and many other things, all day long. Did you catch that? All day long.
I love my family (and the neighbor kids) but I'm at my breaking point today.
In other news, we went to library story time this morning after M's sewing lesson. The boys were good, especially during the songs. They really enjoy singing. During the book-reading segment they were a bit wandery but never left the story room or bothered others. After the books were read they did a little paper panda bear craft, which they loved. They got to glue and use a marker--I'd say it was the highlight of that outing.
Harrison is in a "real" bed now, and (I'm happy to say) goes to bed much better than he used to. The only drawback is that he pops out of bed the second he wakes up--which is why he is up before me in the morning and only takes a mini-nap in the afternoon. He also wakes up Cameron. Cam is grumpy a lot.
I hung a curtain rod (2) and a few pictures yesterday. Also hung my "In the Spirit" picture that was recently framed. (I love it so much I make excuses to walk past it at least 20 times a day.) I am at a plateau when it comes to unpacking.
Our little TV (pictured in the big alcove in the Fam. Rm. in a previous post) broke when someone (to remain nameless) took the Game Cube wires out of the back. It fell off its stand and the plastic casing shattered. Remarkably, the TV screen is fine and the dang thing still works. I was surprised. It was bought in 1995, a wedding present from my parents. I don't know if it's safe to keep it around though--you can see the wires and components inside. What do you think? Is electrocution imminent? I'll take a picture so you can see the damage. It kinda looks like someone bashed it with a baseball bat but missed the screen. Quite attractive.
Damage, top of TV.
Well, a napper is up (already!!!!!) so I'd better supervise or, as previous experience tells me, I'll regret it later.
Here are some other pictures, just because.
An entry for the Naughty File. Cameron crushed my hard-boiled eggs in the garage refrigerator. Notice the drink pouch box is empty also.
Cameron, Harrison, and Mary Rachel play Connect Four. What, you didn't know it was a 3-person game? They played very well together.
My little lion before I braided her hair.
Mary Rachel built a marble run that she was really proud of.
I sympathize, but I don't empathize. I do remember that having 1 child who woke before me and went to sleep at the same time we did was very exhausting (and still is!) I can't imagine juggling four. My prayers are with you!
Thank you. I need all the help I can get.
I can only imagine how exhausted you must be with that many kiddos! Cambria has been taken off the binky along with new job and house and I'm beyond blogging about my exhaustion.
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