Yesterday was busy. Bryce took the day off, which I totally think he deserves after working till 11 p.m. the night before (Monday). Even though he was here yesterday we did not have quality time together. However, we did sign papers and have the walk-through of the house. Woo hoo! I think I come off as a "picky" person to deal with. I did not shy away from telling the walk-through guys what needed to be fixed. I just want things to be perfect. Even if it's only going to last 3.2 minutes once we move in.
Mary Rachel is beginning her weekly sewing lessons tomorrow with Sister Knudsen. She (M.) is really excited to use her new machine. (Thank you, for the birthday present, Grandma Judy!). Her first project will be an apron. I think sewing is a great practical skill, and I think my creative girl will enjoy being able to make things as she sees them in her mind (eventually). She already does a great job of making clothes out of paper for her stuffed animals.
I have a Sesame newsletter due tomorrow and I'm about 1/4 of the way done. I think it will go quickly once I'm in peace and quiet but with writing, you never know. Cameron and Harrison have their early intervention specialist coming that day and I suspect I will be tired from a late night.
Here are some pictures from this week.
P.S. I have a formatting issue, as in, I do not know how to format these posts sometimes. Sorry for the periods between paragraphs but for some reason it (the computer) will not recognize my returns.
good stuff. fun to see how much is always going on! good to see everyone is alive and well (especially bryce :-)
I'm surprised it looks like we have anything going on--esp. lately. I even took pictures at the park this week to prove we go out of the house once in a while! Thanks for your comments. You make me feel like I'm not writing to just to hear myself talk (if I were reading out loud, that is. . . that made no sense).
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