Monday, October 4, 2010

Holding Back the Tsunami

Today is not the best day. And I have a feeling it's going to get less-good as the day wears on for two reasons. Ugh. I don't want to talk about it.

(Word to the wise: follow the rules and you won't have to suffer the negative consequences. Hello.)

I keep writing and deleting, writing and deleting because although I said I don't want to talk about it, it's the only thing on my mind.

I need to fill up on the positive or I will be tsunami'd by the negative.

So here I am, brainstorming about some good things:

1. I listened to nearly all of every session of General Conference and felt inspired and uplifted.

2. Bryce made breakfast on Saturday and Sunday and it was delish.

3. Cameron and Harrison got ready for school today happily and totally on time.

4. I got hugs from the twins for buying Cinnamon Life cereal.

5. I have made my bed for 21 consecutive days now.

6. It's finally cooled down enough to feel like October, and as an added treat, it's raining.

7. Walking and talking with Carmen three mornings a week fulfills my need for physical exercise and friendship. (I love you, Chiquita.)

8. We had a great discussion at book club on "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortimer. Looking forward to reading "The Help" next.

9. I hung a shelf in the laundry room (with some help from Bryce--well, in the end he did it all, now that I think about it.). But I bought it and put it together and marked the wall and drilled the pilot holes. And now I have the clothes-hanging rack of my dreams.

10. I think I might be a pirate for Halloween. Perhaps I will take up swearing.

(Speaking of that, I have asked the kids not to say "Oh my gosh" because it sounds too much like "OMG." Harrison confirmed, "But you can say 'Oh my taco' or 'Oh my heck.;" Cameron chimed in, "Yeah, or 'Oh my @#!*% ,' right, Mom?"

I have so many of the big things to be thankful for: my health, a great family (including extended), wonderful friends, my creative outlets in cooking and writing, my faith, and an awesome husband who loves me for who I am and encourages me to be better.

I know I am blessed and that there are positive things all around, every day.

I'm taking deep breaths.

And I really do feel better--I will pray for the strength to make it last.


C.A.L.L.L.L. said...

Love you too! Hope your ankle is okay. Remember that Heavenly Father doesn't give you more than you can bear and He loves you too.

Rachel McEwen said...

I loved The Help. It is sooo good.

Silver Strands said...

I like #5 best.
And I love you.

brooklyn said...

sending love.

love to hear about the little awesome moments with the twins. i so love this age.

btw--caima started saying OMG and she's not even aware of it. we talked about it, but she still said it. i was starting to think she was just being rebellious until i volunteered in her class...i must have heard it 25 times in an hour... yikes.