Friday, December 18, 2009

Four Major Causes of Misbehavior

If the parent feels bothered or annoyed, the child is seeking attention.

If the parent feels angry, provoked, or threatened, the child is seeking power.

If the parent feels hurt, the child is seeking revenge.

If the parent feels like giving up, the child feels hopeless and inadequate.


Something to think and think and think about. More here.

In other news, I have done some Christmas shopping . . . AND . . . I think I'm going to be ready for the big day. You know what's bad? I truly can't think of anything I want for myself except when I'm out and THEN it's all I can do to stop myself from impulse buying everything on the shelves.

I may or may not have spent $60 on makeup.

I may or may not have bought myself a new coat.

I may or may not have gotten 12 Twilight posters to tack around my own bedroom walls.

(Okay, that one is a joke. Bryce would never go for that!)

Oh my goodness.

What a month.

I  wrote a Sesame newsletter (my last one) on Christmas traditions. I referenced the gifts given to the Christ-child: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. My Jewish editor asked me what those were (besides gold). And I thought, Isn't that common knowledge, even if you aren't Christian? Didn't she ever watch A Charlie Brown Christmas?

And then when I tried to answer, I came up blank.

So I did the lamest thing possible. I consulted wikipedia. I felt like a failure. Precious minerals used for sacred oils, that's the best I could come up with.

But guess what. Redemption through the New Era!

From Wendy Kenney's article entitled "We Three Kings" (December 2009):

Why did the Wise Men bring Jesus such rare gifts? Most scholars agree that the gifts were symbolic. The gold symbolized Jesus's kingship, frankincense His divinity, and myrrh His suffering and death, since myrrh was a substance used to perfume dead bodies before burial.

And that makes sense, doesn't it?

Well anyway.

I've reorganized the laundry room, after visiting with the Hardys last night. The lightbulb went off and I knew what needed to be done to combat the monstrous mound of clothes that lives in the hallway, waiting to be folded. So thank you, Rex's mom, for having a system that I am sure will work for me.

(I shall post before and after pictures soon. Oh, the suspense!)


Emmy said...

Wow, thanks. Definitely something to think about. I think I have been feeling bothered and annoyed a lot lately... guess it is time to really spend some time with my kids again.

Denalee said...

Great post. Especially the shopping part. Whenever I need to smile I read your blog.

Hey Rebecca ... several years ago a friend got me started using essential oils. I've got some frankincense and some myrrh over here if you want to come and take a whiff sometime.


The Hardy's said...

YEAH!!! I'm glad we gave you a little something to make your laundry days go a little less hay-wire. The system works great for us and I hope it does the same for you.

About the whole essential oils issue. I am so interested in finding out more about them. I definitely think that there are some real great healing things out there that are au naturale. You should talk to Michelle Osborne. She uses them and swears by them. There are a few others in the ward that do to. I want to get a starter kit for me b-day.

Ashley said...

I read "We Three Kings" in the New Era too! I was really wondering what was so important about them, why they had to come, what the gifts meant, and that kind of thing! My mom told me the New Era had an article about it, and I read it and shared it at family home evening! That article is SO interesting!