Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Conversation at 11:00 pm

Mary: Hi Mom.

Me: Oh! I thought you were asleep!

Mary: Not yet. Hey, you know those old green pillowcases you don't use anymore?

Me: No.

Mary: The ones you never use? And I think you were going to throw them away?

Me: No. I use those sage green pillowcases all the time.

Mary: Oh . . . uh . . . well . . . I made them into clothes for my stuffed animals. Do you want to see?

Me: You cut them up?

Mary: Yeah . . .

Me: No. I would like to pretend that never happened, at least until the morning.

Mary: Okay. Goodnight then.


P.S. Today is my one-and-only brother's birthday! Even if I had 12 siblings I'm sure he'd still be my favorite. Happy Birthday, David!


Emmy said...

Well at least she is creative :)

Denalee said...
