1. Singing songs around the campfire.
2. Tyce and Mary playing really well together, even having FUN!
3. Eating camp food.
4. Having a lot of family time, because I love my family.
1. Sleeping in the wicked, wicked, wicked cold.
2. Camping next to hobos/hippies/homeless people who kept offering our kids candy.
3. Cameron falling forward by the fire pit and burning his hand.
1. Those crazy neighbors partying--playing guitar, singing at the top of their lungs, shouting, drinking beer, and smoking pot--until the wee hours. The other party-minded campers in the area joined them and I think there were about 20 at the highest point. It was 3:30 a.m. before they went to bed our last night. Why didn't we complain? Because the two ladies over there were so nice to us during the day. And because the craziest drunk/high homeless guy was out there sharpening his machete. The nights were so terrible they deserve their own category of misery.
And this is where I plan to take my girls to Girls Camp.
If not for sleeping in the tent--if we'd had an RV or a hotel or something--the camping trip was wonderful.
Harrison preferred to figure out the flashlight to roasting marshmallows.
Cameron preferred eating marshmallows to pretty much anything else!
Tyce is thoughtful around the campfire.
Mary Rachel is a little campfire cutie.
Cameron and his infamous pout!
Our campsite was beautiful.
The little tent held all of our supplies.
Bryce and Tyce had a great time with the water guns!
Everyone had a great time with the fling sock--Mary and Cameron were especially fun to watch as they tried to figure out when to release it. If you click on the picture you can actually see where the fling sock went.
The H/H/H compound. See all the tents over there? If you click on the picture you can see some rough-looking neighbors. Like I said, the ladies were so incredibly nice to us. It was just scary at night.
When our car was waiting for a jump start, one of our neighbors, Angie, gave us this craft to do. Mary actually took over the project and I think she did a nice job. We hung it on a tree with duct tape.
It wouldn't be a Jones family vacation if there weren't some sort of disaster. Our battery died and we had to call roadside service to assist with a jump. Then we were off to the beach.
We spent quite a bit of our time at the camp. We went to the beach and took a day trip to San Diego. We were really only camping two days since we spent the third one packing up and coming home. It was a good amount of time for the little ones. And I know Bryce and I coulnd't have handled another night like the last one we had there!
I love to camp with my family too! I am getting to where I do not like the public campgrounds though for the same reasons you mention. I go with private or remote sites and have less of the intrusion from fellow campers.
Oh man, I think that peaceful camping nights are becoming a rarity. KC and I had a similar experience and concluded that our kids need to learn their backpacking skills quickly! I think that's the only true solitude out there these days!
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