I gave them their treats on Saturday this year. I like the whole bunnies and chickies idea but I always felt that Easter Sunday--the celebration of our Resurrected Lord--was all about candy and egg hunts. This year I tried to focus more on the religious aspect and I was much happier. On Saturday morning the kids got their fun Easter stuff, in the afternoon we dyed eggs, and then in the evening we had a special meal.
I made the four symbolic foods of the Passover, which are lamb (signifying the Lamb of God), unleavened bread (representing Israel's abrupt escape from Egypt--I used a box of Matzo), bitter herbs (I used a spring mix of lettuces, but modern Jews use horseradish--this symbolizes the Israelites' suffering under the hands of their Egyptian taskmasters), and wine, which represents joy and celebration (we used white grape juice).
Since the Last Supper was a Passover meal I thought it would be a good way to help our family think of what it might have been like to eat foods Jesus ate before he went to the Garden of Gesthemene. I really enjoyed this part of the day (I got the idea from a book) and I'm sure next year it will be even better . . . meaning that no children will almost cry and refuse to come to the table because they don't like the weird smell of the food.
The next day at church Bryce gave a talk and Tyce and I sang "Beautiful Savior" in sacrament meeting. Bryce substituted in Primary for Mary's class and I taught Young Women, where we watched the DVD "Finding Faith in Christ" and then had a lovely testimony meeting. The children got an alarming amount of sweets in Primary, thus fueling their notion that church = candy = good. I guess I shouldn't complain.
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