After pizza and gaming, we came home to watch Planet of the Apes--isn't that a New Year's tradition? j/k The big kids were fascinated. It had very quotable lines. I'm embarrassed that I couldn't stop singing "Dr. Zaus, Dr. Zaus, oh oh oh, Dr. Zaus" sung to the tune from the rock song "Amedeus", which I learned from an episode of the Simpsons a long, long time ago.
With the twins in bed, we played a card game, turned on the local TV coverage of the NYE festivities (which were, on all 4 stations, sooooooooooooooo boring), and at midnight, bundled up to see the fireworks at the end of the street. (Well, everyone but the twins and me.) Bryce and the big kids report that there were some cool illegal fireworks being set off in the cul-de-sac, and you could see the fireworks from the Strip pretty well.
So what are your New Year's resolutions? Or are you like my husband and you don't make any at all? I will post mine later.
it looks like bryce had the most fun!
What a perfect New Year's Eve celebration! It looks like everyone enjoyed themselves a lot. (You and the kids are so lucky to have a hubby/dad who is so animated. It makes everything more fun!) That picture of Tyce with his tickets just makes me want to hug him. The picture of Harrison on Bob the Builder is probably the best picture I've ever seen of him! All in all, wonderful, and thanks for sharing! Love you all!
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