Well, I really am taking a break, can't you tell? I'm sure the three people who read my blog have stopped by now since there's not been any news as of late.
For me, it's been a combination of being really busy with YW and not much else going on. Last night we watched Part III of "Lonesome Dove", which we rented from Netflix. It was awesome . . . but not kid-friendly. Who remembered that the word "whore" was said about a million times??? "Ain't much else a woman can do 'round these parts." Ummmm . . . kids, close your ears. Again. Today we ran errands--Costco, Lowe's, etc. and did some housework. We still have to constantly whipcha (that's a real word . . . the sound of a cracking whip, right?) the kids to do their chores on Saturday and today they were hating it when friends came by and they (our kids) weren't available to play.
Here's a rundown on what's going on with us.
Bryce: Almost got a big case at work, which I am probably forbidden to mention since every time I have something *interesting* to say he tells me to take it off the blog. LOL Let's just say it was a national news story (not O.J.). He was glad to have it reassigned because it would have been really, really stressful . . . but a little sad too because it would have been really interesting. He went to the Nevada state caucus today. Bryce saw a ton of people that he knew there. He said, "I was surprised that I didn't see Angie or Darrell there," and I reminded him, "Honey, they're Democrats." The Crowthers are our exotic friends. j/k
Tyce: Is Barack Obama's 11-year-old look-alike. He fields a lot of teasing about running for election and has started saying "Thank you for your vote!" He is working on a 3-D model of a plant cell this weekend. He has his iPod in as much as he is allowed and especially likes his Weird Al songs.
Mary Rachel: Is sneaky about taking her medication lately. I don't know how she does it--we watch her take her pill and yet we still find them under a kitchen rug, in her room, or behind the flour canister. She's a flippin Houdini. She bought some seashells at Jo-Ann's today which she has been very attached to. She is watching something on Animal Planet, waiting for me to braid her wild hair.
Cameron: cried when Bryce went to vote, mistakingly thinking his daddy was boarding a watercraft: "I don't want Dad to go to a boat!" I think he was overcome with jealousy. Cam really likes "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" lately, as well as the "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" book and CD. Today he played with a big purple ball by himself and I wished I'd had a video camera because the way he pounced and chased it was pretty cute.
Harrison: doesn't like the cookies I made. I baked some oatmeal-chocolate-chip-cranberry ones, which he just stuffed into his milk cup. I asked him about it, and he said, hands folded in front of him, eyebrows raised, "Sorry, but they are disgusting." He likes to ask, "What is your favorite animal?" and remembers every family member's answers. Harrison really likes playing the piano. He is a lot like Mary when it comes to being stubborn, and I think M. considers him a bit of a kindred spirit because she gave him one of her beloved seashells.
Me: I had a nice time at the combined activity this week (Human Foosball) and look forward to our class planning meetings next. I have had two 2-hour presidency meetings so far and hope that we are on track enough to scale back to a 1-hour once a month. We have New Beginnings on Feb. 6th so once that's over we'll be doing well. I love the ladies I serve with, even though I thought leaving Primary would be really hard since I loved it there too. The youth are great and I'm enjoying getting to know them very much. What else . . . I went to a cooking class to learn how to make rolled fondant last week . . . I don't know if I will ever go through that effort, to be honest. I have started to do my weekly dinner planning menu again, a baby step in becoming more organized. We are working on putting a back yard in--meaning that we have a landscaper and a plan, and now we have to get it "approved" by the HOA board. I am slightly annoyed but I guess a little Big Brothering keeps people from putting up big red barns in their backyards (which is what our neighbors did at our old house).
So that's about it. I will try to update more regularly. And get my Christmas cards mailed.