Cam: Santa will come to my house . . . today?
Me: No, not today. On Christmas Eve.
Cam: And he will bring me candy?
Me: Sure. He'll bring you a candy cane or something in your stocking.
Cam: Will he come into my room and hug me?
Me: No, he'll just deliver a present on Christmas Eve.
Cam: And candy?
Me: Yes, and a candy.
Cam: When I see Santa I will say, "Trick-or-treat! Ho Ho Ho! Gimme candy!"
I took the boys to the mall today to visit with the Jolly Old Man and they weren't scared or anything. In years past I've been able to snap my own photo without paying for the professional pics ($34!!!) but this year they got wise to cheap-os like me. In order to break out your own camera you have to shell out the big bucks first. Luckily the boys were at least able to talk to Santa, though I wasn't forward enough to sit them on his lap for fear of chastisement from the grumpy money-taking elf.
I think our Santa might have been Jewish, because he looked a lot like Tevye from our production of Fiddler on the Roof.
Anyway, the boys asked for candy and motorcycles. They gave Santa high fives and were dismissed from his presence with a coloring book. I shot this photo from the side, and you can see Santa in the background, can't you? Oh, I'm so very sneaky!
When it was time to go home, I loaded the boys into their carseats. I asked if they enjoyed meeting Santa and Harrison said, "Yeah, but . . . where's my candy and motorcycle?"
Poor thing probably thought this charade was a total rip-off. If only he can hold out till Christmas morning . . .
so funny! they totally crack me up. i love his planned demands to santa.
your fireplace looks so cute and inviting!
Yay for the twins! I always need a smile! Very sweet!
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