If I had a jazzier, more unique name you'd say, when you read your latest issue of Taste of Home, "Holy cow! It's Rebecca Jones! Her name popped right out at me when I saw that recipe for Sweet Potato Bread."
Well, *I* was really surprised to start reading and see my very own name attached to a recipe I'd submitted a while ago. At first I saw the recipe title and thought, "hey, I have a good recipe for that very thing." Then when I looked closer I realized it was MY recipe. The other two times my recipes have been selected,people at the magazine made a big deal about it, telling me in advance and asking for a picture to print. I guess they thought by now I'd be jaded by all the attention. j/k Ironically, one recipe is being printed in the December/January issue, *after* this one, and they made a big deal out of that one. Who knows.
Anyway, this picture isn't the cover of the current issue, but I will print my recipe for you. Do you know how to scan something, and then post it to a blog? I don't.
Actually, I will write out the recipe tomorrow.
Cool!!! So glad we just visited you, so in the future you won't think we're doing it just because you're famous. So great to be published, eh? although you're probably used to it by now (love your sesame street newsletters!).
It was fun to see your name in print! The recipe really does sound yummy. The picture looked good, too. Can't wait for the December issue. Yay, Rebie!
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