Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Who, Me?

Yeah, that's me. The one with the eye tic. It's on the left side. It's annoying.

Now that our Activity Days recognition night is over, I can breathe a little easier. I love those girls so much. But they are a lot of work. My eye was ticking like a madwoman before the dinner got underway.

Now I can focus on more pressing matters: middle school for Tyce, possibly buying a house (!!??), selling this one, taking care of the children, practicing for a musical number, etc. Being a good friend and doing housework are somewhere on the list. I can't stop obsessing about this new house that we like. I move furniture and decorate in my sleep. I won't bore you with the details in case it doesn't work out. We have to sell this one before we can consider the other, which is a pretty major detail, don't you think?

**twitch, twitch**


Anonymous said...

I'm having sympathy eye twitches!

Darrell Crowther said...

WHAT?!?!? A new house?!?!? Whew - everyone has wanderlust!

By the way, I have an eyetwitch, too! I got it my first semester of college, when I signed up for an 8 am English class. What was I thinking?

Mopsie said...

Cute picture!
I sometimes get eye tics when I'm really tired. Not fun. I'm sorry you're so busy, but these really are "the best days of your life". It's good that you're documenting them, so you can look back with a different perspective, and maybe believe it. Busy = really living!

Rebecca and Co. said...

Glad I have so many who can empathize with my anxiety! :)