Thursday, April 5, 2007

Another year older

Last night Bryce said, "I have a surprise for you first thing in the morning and it'll take about an hour." I was pretty sure we were eating breakfast at IHOP, the only "real" restaurant in the neighborhood. But at 6:20 a.m. when we woke up he presented me with two tennis rackets (one for me, one for him), and we went to play tennis before the kids woke up. It was a lot of fun, though I have a lot to brush up on since I haven't played for years. Bryce is much, much better than I am (for now).

Then we got a babysitter for mid-morning and Bryce and I went shopping. I got this beautiful jewelry box (which is a lot prettier in person). I love it. We ate lunch together (not at IHOP) and then tortured ourselves walking through model homes out of our price range. In other words, it was a great morning.

Later in the afternoon the kids blew up balloons and decorated cupcakes for the much-anticipated party. I had "Happy Birthday" sung to me quite a few times today. It was awesome! I got this delicious-smelling candle (honeydew melon) from Tyce and a pumpkin pie one from Mary Rachel. I have a great family (immediate and extended) who do a great job making me feel special. I love my family and friends!

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