We got up and saw what Santa brought for each child: Tyce--an I Pod (!), Mary Rachel--Snowy Village Kit, Cameron--motorcyles (see, Santa came through!), and Harrison--expansion set for the trains (and a motorcycle in his stocking). Then the kids opened their stockings, which, yes, contained some candy. I think our boys were pretty, pretty happy.
The Cooks joined us a few minutes later and Cambria and Maya opened their gifts. Cambria got two dress-up dresses and many princess-themed things befitting a lovely 3-year-old girl. Maya got some books and push toys and some other girly things. Harrison was a bit jealous of the their new pink slippers.
Coming down the stairs!
Opening presents by the tree.
Is it what she thinks it is? YES! It's the horse stable!!!!
Tyce with his new digital camera.
Bryce told everyone to stay on their blankets for crowd-control purposes.
David and the adorable Maya.
My brother and his beautiful wife Brooklyn.
The twins open a gift from their Aunt Heather.
Woo hoo! Check out my new bling!
"Cheers! Mu-hahaha!"