Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Went to Houston By Myself

Vacationing alone = relaxing.

Coming home from vacation = a shock to the system.


But let's talk about the weekend, where I was footloose and child-free. My wonderful husband arranged for me to visit my parents for three days, alone. He and the kids had Presidents' Day off, so they handled life at home. How nice!

I started my trip by posing next to a very popular person. But I was too embarrassed to try for a better photo. We practically have matching outfits. And we're both pretty well-known in our respective fields, even if one of us is cardboard. I didn't want to attract a crowd.

On Saturday I went on a walk with my dad on a chilly mid-morning, just like we used to.

I accomplanied my parents on their Saturday ritual of eating at Los Vega and then grocery shopping at Target. ("So we can make our Target stock go up," says my dad.)

Good thing I returned that stolen basket when I did.

Next on the schedule was reading, napping, and watching the Olympics.

Sunday was church and an open house for the Arntsens, who are going on a mission to Brazil. After that, reading, napping, and watching the Olympics.

The days were easy. Quiet. Nice. I won a gold medal in the 500-meter chillax-a-thon. 

On Monday I enjoyed visiting people. First stop: the Ottosens.

Nate and Ben were cleaning but chatted with me for a while.

And Kim and Heather and I went out to lunch at Chuy's for some girl time.

(Sorry, boys!)

After that we did some shoe shopping (Kim) and wandered the aisles of The Container Store. It was fun, and I love those girls! Next time we'll have to add Betsie.

After that: Thomas and Niki's house.

I think I was there a couple of hours, but it felt like only minutes. I love their family--Thomas, Niki, Emma (hiding), and Ian. It was great to see them.

And then it was time to pack up and come back home.

I didn't think I needed the time away, until I had to come back. And then I realized that I wanted to hide under the guest bed at my parents' house indefinitely.

There are so many things I love about Houston. Even though I've lived here longer than I lived there, to me, Houston is still home.

Besides, where else can you see this?

I sure do love my parents and my sisters and my friends. Thank you for having me!


Emmy said...

How nice to have a weekend away like that with lots of family! How fun for you and good for your husband for helping it happen

Dad77345 said...

We live such exciting lives- shop, eat, read, nap. It was fun to have you home for a long weekend. Do it again, ok?

Ashley said...

That sounds really fun!

Denalee said...

welcome home

Mopsie said...

Sure enjoyed having you home. Come any time! Miss you much.