Monday, August 10, 2009

Peter Pan, and other stuff

A few weeks ago the Primary had a Peter Pan activity. I knew the kids were invited to dress up like characters from the movie, but I still waited until 15 minutes before it started to figure out what to do.

Harrison was the Bono-inspired version of a Lost Boy.

I guess no there were no Lost Boy dogs, but we had the right idea. (Originally he was labeled as "Nana," the St. Bernard but became a Lost Boy after the fact.)

Cameron was a pirate. I love his bunny on the shoulder (because we didn't have a parrot) and, of course, his "R" shirt!

We were 15 minutes late to the activity. The movie has already started and the boys walked into a pitch-black room. I guess they could have worn anything they wanted, really.

Mary wanted to be pixie dust. Then she wanted to be the night sky or the crocodile. Finally she settled on no costume at all, which was fine by me. With all the prep work needed to make her ideas come to life, we would have missed the activity all together.

Now for the other stuff.

Bryce and Tyce are at Scout camp this week. There's no school day or coming-home-from-work to break up the hours, so I have put on my cruise director cap and planned a fun week for the rest of us. (I hope.) Today we had friends over to play, and after dinner we're going to get ice cream. Tomorrow is the free movie, then swimming. That kind of thing, a week's worth--hopefully it's the magic formula for making the time go faster.

Also, I have been up and down these past few days, for a reason. I'll tell you why later. Today (and every day hereafter) I am sunny-side up. It's a choice as much as a feeling--who wants to be unhappy all the time? I already said this once, but I put a curfew on my pity party last night. No more tears. No more drama. No more what-about-me.

I can't say that I reached this zen-state on my own.

I believe in the power of prayer.

I'm ready to go forward.


Tracey said...

You are such a tease!!! Just get it out all ready, we won't tell.

Emmy said...

Good for you... and yes you are a tease, what is it??
I hope everything is okay.

Mopsie said...

Oh! those boys are the cutest ever! The bunny on the shoulder is priceless. Love the green eyes of the Lost boy/dog. Way to go, costume queen!

The Hardy's said...

I should have called you and had them come play at my house. The boys would have loved to have them over, and it would have given you a much needed break. Please Forgive me!

Rebecca and Co. said...

Kim--you are a sweetheart. I was totally fine this week--it's next week that might do me in. j/k