Our boys "graduated" from preschool this week . . . and they will graduate again next year . . . and then from kindergarten. I think it's overdoing it a bit but you will die when you see their pink and blue caps and gowns!!!
But first things first. Here are the boys before the program started. Very sober and solemn. Some of the kids were hyper but a lot looked kind of scared.
As the kids lined up to sing their songs, Harrison started to cry. Bryce motioned for him to come over to us, but Harrison wouldn't do it. It seemed like he was frozen to the spot. The kids sang about 10 songs and Harrison wailed through every one . . . I knew it was bad but I couldn't help laughing! Poor little guy!
Luckily Miss Sandy was able to calm him down after the singing, and when he emerged in his cap and gown, he was as good as new. How cute are these tiny graduates? (C & H are third and fourth in line.)
Cameron received his diploma from Miss Charlotte.
And then Harrison did. He looked so much better by that point, don't you agree?
And apparently felt well enough to play pirate with his certificate.
Mary took this picture outside the school. We love our little graduates!
AWWW!!! I wish I could have been there. So adorable and cute. I hope they never grow out of it.
ADORABLE pics! Brandy had a pre-school graduation also and all of their caps and gowns were blue.... i still have it. I took a picture of her with her Eldorado grad cap on and she put her old blue one on Ryan when he was a baby and i took a pic! Pictures to be are everything.. they capture so much! i cant wait to get my first blog book done! Dont blink though... they will be REALLY graduating... and u truly wonder where the time went!
Very handsome boys, and props to Cameron!
So sad! And kind of funny :)
They are cute in their gowns
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