Tyce: There was a stake Court of Honor this week. As a senior patrol leader, Tyce was able to give out the awards for his troop. He did a great job.
Mary: She completed her bag in sewing lessons this week. Notice the "M" made of ribbon echoes the "M" design at the top of the bag. She modeled this on her way to school. Today is field day!
Cameron and Harrison: They love playing with their friends. Emily and Camille are on the tire swing, Cameron is on the playhouse, and Harrison is demonstrating his latest trick--climbing up and sitting on the trapeze bar. (He hasn't figured out how to get down yet.)
In general, our apricots are starting to grow and the star jasmine is blooming. The grass needs to be mowed. The yard is filled with ladybugs, and hunting them down and making them "pets" is how our kids commune with nature.
Such a cute bag! Great job!
Kudos to everyone! Tyce, great job! Mary, love the bag! Cam and Harr, keep on climbing! Rebie, keep on bloggin'! We grandparents LOVE it!
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