Today Tyce turns 12! How's that for an alliterative exclamation? Pretty awesome.
In honor of his special day, here are 12 things about this terrific kid:
1. He's super helpful. If you need something put together--ask Tyce. You want the chairs set up at an activity--he's your man. Little kids need some distraction--Tyce is there. Last night he was done with Scouts and came to the end of YW. I mentioned that the floor needed vaccuuming, and who got right on it? Tyce.
2. He has the BEST laugh. I love when something strikes his funny bone, because his giggle is contagious.
3. He wants to be good. We all make mistakes, but I know that he has a good heart.
4. He shares his talents. He's not afraid to sing a solo at church, speak to a large group, or play the piano for a talent show. I think there are lots of talented people out there who just won't share what they can do. I really admire that he will.
5. His eyes. Have you ever seen more gorgeous eyes? No, I don't think so.
6. Tyce is loving. He's not one to gush about his emotions, but you can tell how he feels by his hugs. During the day he may push you away--asserting his independence and growing up--but at the end of the day he's still a snuggly kid, and I appreciate that.
7. He is passionate about his interests. You want someone to go crazy at a sporting event with you? Take Tyce.
8. He is very loyal. His friends are really important to him, and he keeps them close.
9. He doesn't like sweets. I don't know how that happened, but I can only wish I felt the same way.
10. He likes to volunteer. I mentioned that he's going to the elementary school to tutor--he loves it. He works with individuals and small groups on math and reading, and even helps teachers prepare materials for the coming week. He says it feels good.
11. He's well-rounded. He's good at music and sports, dancing and woodworking, reading and math. Lucky.
12. He's our first child, a great big brother, and a blessing from heaven. He makes our lives happy. I am so pleased that we're parents to such a wonderful 12-year-old boy. Happy Birthday, Tyce!
Happy Birthday to my favorite "brudder-cousin-nephew". We miss seeing you all the time, but love hearing from you via net and cell. May your thirteenth year be a lucky one!
Gosh, it's hard to believe that our Tyce has turned 12. Why, it seems like just yesterday.... But I won't digress into any mushy stuff about what a fantastic grandson he is. He has a huge fan club here in Houston (i.e. Ottosens/Jones/Cooks). Wish we could all be there to help him celebrate this milestone in his life. Happy Birthday, Tyce!
He's so amazing! Seriously, what a fantastic person! I think it's amazing that he has developed so many of those traits at such a young age. We love Tyce!
Happy Birthday!
Beautifully said, and I agree wholeheartedly with every point.
Tyce, we are so blessed that we got to spend your first few years with you. You were so fun and cute - and still are! You truly are a blessing, and we're so happy you're our grandson.
Happy Birthday!
Too bad he isn't 13, because you could have also stated that he is HANDSOME! What a good kid. Boys like Tyce are so refreshing to have around. Happy Birthday!
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