Friday, February 8, 2008

How it went

I'm sure you're all *dying* to know how New Beginnings went. So I will tell you. After all our prep work that day and the weeks before, it turned out awesome!

The skit was great, the song was great, and the talks were great. Were there things I'd do differently next time? Absolutely. It certainly wasn't perfect. But overall it turned out really well. For being in YW a month I think we did a pretty good job.

And . . . we have Girls Camp squared away. Phew! (We're going to a camground near San Clemente, CA, which is a mile and a half from the San Onofre beach. Apparently--per Bryce--that beach is THE spot for surfing. So bringing 15 boy-crazy girls there *might* be a bit of a bad idea . . . but we will see.)

That's all for now. Ran errands this morning and the boys fell asleep in the car. So cute.

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