Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I just finished reading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." It's hard to return to the Muggle world after being so solidly seated with Harry this past 2 days. Finishing it makes me feel dizzy and deflated. I need more . . . more! Now I'm pressuring Bryce to finish it so we can discuss the minutiae I am famous for.

If you have any points you want to talk about, please drop me a line. I am in withdrawl.


Mopsie said...

I just finished it, too. I didn't like some of it, especially the deaths of characters for whom I felt affection. (Why bring reality into a fantasy story??)I am amazed, though, at the brain that could conceive such a convoluted, complicated, intricate story. It pretty well wrapped up everything important. I will miss Harry Potter.

Mopsie said...

I can see our Mary writing a blockbuster fantasy story someday. Maybe she will be the one to take care of you in your old age!