Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Can You Believe . . . 18 Years!

Our anniversary is always at a very busy time. Last night we were like, "Oh. About tomorrow. Yeah, let's do something." We had to ditch the calendar because the start-of-school schedule threatens to choke the life out of our free time. You may be proud that we declined going to a fireside and a choir activity (but we may do that one because we have an intense inclination toward duty and obligation. That is something we have in common). If we had the ability to leave the children we definitely would but since that's not an option we will do the best we can to party in a 2-hour time frame.

Actually we are going to the temple this afternoon so that's 2 hours right there. But then we're coming home and going back out later. That's the plan, at least.

Guess what, after I thought Bryce had left for work he came home with two lovely bouquets of flowers! What a nice surprise to start off our day.

I love Bryce so much and I can't imagine spending these past 18 years with anyone else. He is my rock, my love, and my best friend. He helps me be my best self and I am grateful that we can be together forever.

At dinner after the temple.

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