On Sunday Mary Rachel told us about listening to "Little House in the Big Woods" after lunch at school. They had just gotten to the part where the family (?) used pig bladders to make balloons. The combination of these two words were of great disgusting delight to our Mary.
In order to keep on that subject without impunity, she adopted a slightly British, very formal accent and informed us that she was the librarian, and could find the passage in question if requested. I played along.
Me: I'm 7.
Mary: You look like an orphan, so scrawny and dirty. Are you an orphan? (Say yes).
Me: Yes.
Me: Yes.
Mary: Well, you can stay here with me if you would like. I have a lot of children--like 6. I am 28 years old. Do you want to know where my husband is?
Me: Yes.
Mary: He's the lazy one over there, reading the newspaper. (Gestures to Bryce). He never helps with the kids. I do all the work around here. Come dear, let's find some books down the hall. (Takes me by the hand and leads me to her bedroom). Are you wondering why you're a kid but you're taller than me?
Me: Yes.
Mary: Do you know that show, "Little People, Big World?" Well, I'm on it.
Me: Wow, that's cool.
Mary: Yes, it is. And now, dear, please pick out a book.
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