Tyce is a pitcher for his Little League team, the Dodgers. The *starting* pitcher, but to say that first sounds too . . . well, you know. I don't want to alienate all those average kids out there. j/k
He did a great job and he's having a really good time. The past two years he'd been on winning teams with exceptional players, but because of that, he'd been in the outfield and didn't get much play action. This year he's on a not-so-winning team but he's one of the better players and gets to play a lot of interesting positions. Is it more fun to win but do little to contribute? Or to lose but be active the whole time?
Bryce is an assistant coach again this year and is enjoying spending time with his oldest boy.
While Tyce was busy doing his thing, this is how the rest of us spent our time last night:
Rebecca and twins watched from above because the double stroller wouldn't fit down the ramp! Dont' the boys look happy? Mary fed them a steady supply of snacks.
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