Wednesday, August 20, 2014

July Vacation--Utah

We did a big loop of family visits: first to West Jordan to spend time with Bryce's parents and sister Betsie's family (who moved to Idaho a few weeks later for Andy's law school); then to Reno as a layover to California to visit with Bryce's cousin Lucy's family; and finally to Mountain View to see my brother David's peeps. It was an awesome week. Truly love all those people.

Bryce passed out these mustaches at the half-way point on our journey up.
On Monday we went to Mill Creek Canyon for FHE. We played in the river and roasted hot dogs.

Mary and Katie

Natasha, age 4

Mary and Kira, almost 8

Kess, just turned 12

Cute Betsie and me

Cam the leapfrog

Harrison the independent dude

Bryce and his mom

Twins having fun with grandma



Katie came to check on them, to make sure they weren't being naughty

Harrison is an expert rock-skipper


Woodland creature

Betsie and Andy

Betsie and Heather


Roasting hot dogs

A lot of them fell in the fire, which we fished out, cooled off, and gave to Katie.

Adorable Mary

Cam licking mustard off Katie's leash

Bryce and Heather

Tyce and Harrison

With Desiree, the Prices' former foster daughter 

Trying out roasted apples

Heather's neices and nephews, minus Ben

The crazy shot

Al and Judy Jones with their grandchildren (minus Ben)

Jones kids' photo bomb by Betsie, Bryce, and Heather!

Grand kid photo bomb!

Betsie, Al, Judy, Heather, and Bryce. Just missing Kim. Sad! Wish she and Ben could have come.
Bryce turned 43 on July 22nd and we celebrated with lemon cream pie and fireworks.

Birthday boy and fire

We shot off some parachute men. The sound terrified Harrison and he insisted on sticking right by me the rest of the night. Wouldn't even touch the sparklers.

Cam was a super grump. But he got a new sock monkey at the thrift store (D.I.) that he named "Heavyweight" due to its sand-filled rump.

Mary in her pj pants


Tasha  having fun. Notice Harrison safely between adults on the sidewalk.


Dancing with sparklers

All the kids with Desiree. She taught Harrison to do an Irish dance, by the way. They performed for us and did great!


Kess and Mary having a pretend fight
Ok, are these girls seriously the cutest?

I'm going save the rest for later. I've got to do some math facts with Cameron and then get ready for work.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love our family!
