Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sock Monkeys

Cameron has his beloved sock monkey, Bob, and a small sock monkey named Steve. Harrison had no interest in these creatures until Cam got his, and our friend Michele was nice enough to give Harrison a small one (a match for Steve!) on a visit to her house. He named him Steve as well (or Joey or Jimmy. It depends on the day). These boys are definitely in to their sock monkeys and play with them every day.

Tonight they decided to make costumes for their animals.

Cameron with Bob, outfitted with a mask, cape, and "arm and leg shields".
Harrison with Steve. He has a mask and a yellow cape.

The boys flew their monkeys off the ledge. That's where the capes came in.
Rough landings--good thing they had their shields.

They are very good to their sock monkeys.

It is very sweet to see how much they enjoy playing. Harrison is game for whatever's fun but Cameron really and truly loves his Bob. He sleeps with him every night, talks about him, asks me to take him to the store when Cam's at school (which I accidentally did once, when Cam shoved Bob in my purse), and calls him his best friend. I don't think I've ever seen him so attached to a lovey before.

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