You guys. This weekend was lone-tastic. Bryce is a superstar for taking all four kids to Utah by himself.
But we started out the weekend by attending the twins' preschool graduation on Friday.
Oh my word, those guys are so cute. The kids sang and did actions to Sesame Street songs like ABC Rap and Monster in the Mirror.
We sat by the McEwens--their little Kennedy is a doll. Each child received a certificate and posed for pictures except for the two sets of twins--they posed together. I was so happy to find out we were sitting by Faith and Andrew's mom--they're the other set of twins. And I found out Laura reads my blog! So it was cool to make such a nice friend there.
Later that afternoon Bryce and the kids packed up the minivan to get on the road. Harrison wanted to take a picture of me so he wouldn't forget me.
Thank goodness this isn't the only picture that exists of me in the world.
I gave them all hugs and kisses goodbye. And you already know what I did after they left!
The reason for the trip was a program Tyce attended at BYU called Foundations. It's for kids of color in grades 8-11 to get them ready for college. It seems like Tyce had a great time and even got to go on stage for a demonstration. The presenter gave him a candy bar and then later--he took it away and ate it! The object lesson was about acting and being acted upon. It all worked out because Tyce got four candy bars in the end.
They also had a dance-off and did a service project for humanitarian aid.
I seems like it was a positive experience and I hope he is renewed in his commitment to succeed academically.
Meanwhile Mary and the twins played with their cousins Kess and Kira. We all look forward to the arrival of Betsie's and Andy's newest daughter this summer!
So the reason I stayed home is because I had girls camp meetings: first with the adult leaders and second with the YCLs (youth camp leaders). Camp is in three weeks! Ugh, I just got an eye tic from typing that. We're basically ready, I think. I wrapped up our leaders meeting yesterday and Jolene said, "So who's going to do the certification?" I looked at the itinerary I'd typed and saw "certification" on there three times . . . but I'd given no thought as to how that would actually happen. I'm sure there will be many other things like that . . . so wish us luck. This camp we are the blind leading the blind.
And that, my friends, was the weekend.
The best part of this post? Harrison insisting on a picture so he remembers you :)
Aw, they really are cute. And they look happy. Funny little guys.
Tyce looks like he's enjoying himself, too. At least, in the second picture. Sounds like a good program. But mostly, hooray again for some YOU time!
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